Inland Empire ACA Intergroup

7th Tradition Donations

Tradition 7: “Every ACA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”

Your Inland Empire ACA Intergroup depends on ACA’s Seventh Tradition of self-support to provide services to ACA members and groups, however in accordance with the 7th Tradition, Inland Empire ACA Intergroup only accepts contributions from ACA members or groups/meetings.  Please let your fellow travelers know ACA depends on contributions to fund the rapidly expanding fellowship’s service needs.

Donations can be made in any amount via Venmo. Please send your Venmo donations to @acainlandempireintergroup.

As PayPal charges fees of up to 53% of small donations and about 3% of larger ones, we suggest that you wait until you have saved up $10 before using them, but we do appreciate what you can give and when you can give it. Please send your PayPal donations of $10 or more here.